Nampa Farmer’s Market

Every Saturday at Lloyd Square Park, April - November

Shop Local Produce: From People You Know And Trust

Everything at our market is from within a 100 mile radius

Voted Best Farmers Market In Idaho!

Best In The Pacific Region & 11th Best In America

Local Idaho Beef: Grass Fed & Finished

Looking for beef, pork, chicken, and other meats?
Come to the Nampa Farmers Market to buy local!

Farm Fresh Eggs: Raised In Idaho

With those deep orange yolks you've come to love!

Save Time At The Nampa Farmers Market With Online Pre-Orders!

Reko App

We made it even easier for you to get your favorite items from the Nampa Farmers Market!

Select Vendor

To pre-order, select from the vendors below to view what they have for sale (or download the Reko app).

Add to Cart

Add items to your cart from each vendor you want to shop with, then checkout and pay online.

Pickup Tent

We will organize your order for you, just go to the pre-order tent to pick up your order for the week!

Using a mobile device? Download the Reko App to Pre Order From The Nampa Farmers Market Today!

Part of Downtown Nampa Since 1989

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